Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One Piece

Spent my time reading one piece nya manga online dari tadi. I shouldn't finished all of my work tadi. now Ive got nothing to do!... -_-
and i just realized that Im a bit workaholic, cam... I can't rest easy knowing my work balum siap... did not know that before... hmm...
Today, I am a man.

today Im all black! if its not because of my lousy office pants, Id look totally hot!(well, maybe... depends on who you are,) Instead I looked like MC Hammer tia pulang...
sigh... sasak ku office nya code ani...
I can't believe people pay for as much as 50 inggit for seluar cemani ani...
mun aku sorry... malas ku hingau, (bought my office pants for 20$ tuk 2 buting :oD )

Jeans! Haa! Jeans baru ku bekarih! Id pay 100 inggit sah if jeans atu ngam berabis, I can love jeans like I love some people.
and good jeans are hard to find...

I miss the touch of you on my body...
I shall wear my jeans tomorrow!

You, Are, The only exception.

Man I looked like P.Ramlee ari ani, singkat seluar ku! both of my dear jeans tepaksa di cuci... Iv no choice but to wear seluar cawer ani, sigh...

And my head sakit sekali! ever since Pepsi light atu ada tanda halal, Ive been drinking them like crazy!! syaaam~~~ sedap sekali...
Ive to stop drinking it...

So anyway, I was on the 2nd floor tadi, kan ke 1st floor... and aku malas lah kan pakai tangga, so aku katik the elevator....
swwooosh~~~ pintu elevator pun terbuka, and there were like 5-7 urang kali staring arah diriku.
so aku masuk...
one of them betanya, " tingkat berapa wang?"
"satu..." I answered dengan tersipu....
den I feel cam semua urang atu senyum2 wah! aku naik lift ani sal kaki ku sakit waaaah~
nda plg sakit... but Ive to fake one... so in less than 5 sec, sampai tia ku kedestinasiku dari 2nd floor to 1st floor.
maluku kan meliat kebelakang. I feel like semua staring arah aku, so aku fake walk ku, bejalan teinggut inggut, cam kira sakit lah... bepaluh belakang ku.

lesson learned.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Office

Orait folks, from now on, I will seriously will start blogging balek, will. This is due to the amount of free time I have and Connection di office ani be block everywhere. Yes, aku attachment, basar sudah aku ani. Di MOE, siuk yo... orang orangnya baik baik di sini.

Anyway, masa aku first time kraja yo, stress berabis ku yo... mana inda mun inda, baju smart, janggut awesome, tapi sekalinya seluarku singkat!!! cam stail urang enam puluhan yo.... sigh... stress ku. nda matching sama janggut ku...

Pi ani inda tia... sal aku rebel sikit, and my supervisor baik urangnya. so aku pakai jeans ku yg warna brown and feel comfortable as ever... I don't think I can pull wearing seluar office, sexy rasanya... sudahtah licin... mengikut figura badan lagi tu.. :p I dont mind wearing seluar jean ku ani for the duration of my attachment time. baru ya jeans sejati!

Oh... and di sini ani nda pandai kebuluran ni, makan every time yo... sigh... takut plg ku lampuh... pi.. makan... nyaman... makan... nyum... rezeki. so ertinya aku mesti workout everyday...

Pi I got so tired kan be eksesais ani... men game lagikan dipikirkan... tidur lagi... ya Tuhan...

Oh well... bye2.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Karipap sedap

Dah-dah-da da da da~~ da da da da~ dah dah dah dadadadada~~ dah dah dadadadada~~~
Don't stop believin'~~~~

Huhu, suka ku lagunya ani, gives you goosebumps bila mendangar,
and because of that song saja, I spent the last of my money membali dvdnya, cam urang cakap siuk ceritanya, Glee, of course kamu tau dah,
but i just feel hype nya atu na deliver, siuk plang... but na berapalah...
I prefer Royal Pains!

Nah, atu baru cerita yang menakjubkan. Love it!

It pains me menunggu season yang seterusnya, huhu.

But siuk plg Glee, romancenya siuk, pi others, kinda membagi stress sikit,
I find teacher bini2nya atu, si emma, disturbingly attractive.
Hmm.. will check up on her later,

So its kinda fun menaip balik, or blogging. I just got nothing to do really, iatah need something tuk mengisi ruang kekosongan,

Will join ping pong jua for ECA or CCA kah, this week, but I'm kinda torn between Squash sama ping pong atu, Its just so siuk man main squash, melepas kan stress with every swing,

ARRRRGHHH!!!! bila lost a point...

But the problem is its just to cool for me... cam urangnya handal2... nada chan tu jadinya...
so maybe ping pong...
or sleep...
Its kinda rare mendapati a semester with lots of free time, so might as well enjoy it,
or sleep...

so lastly, I will summarise my last tought in the next few lines:

Alicia keys hot, I can't sleep well, need to lose weight, don't want to go to school, will start joggin isuk, shoul I cut my hair? gums bleeding, balum liat avatar, work work work!


Oh, I just heard this something di radio tadi, ceramah from mufti which I feel obligated to share with you, Its beautiful.
Cemanilah usul bunyinya, InsyaAllah lurus,

If tani baca perkataan 'Lailahaillallah", without concentrating, our minds arah duniawi, we still get 10 kebajikan...
If tani baca dengan niat untuk mencari keredhaan-Nya, 700 kebajikan...

so I was thinking... if tani driving kah... angan2 kah... jalan2 kah... why not try bezikir ani, cuz even if tani na concentrate pun pahalanya besar... Sesungguhnya Tuhan atu amat pemurah...

and ingat, hidup tani ani mesti penuh dengan zikir, mengingatinya, but its just kadang2 saja tani membuatnya... tym tahlil.. setahun sekali.. dua tahun sekali... hati pun menjadi keras... we thought it is normal... but no! normal is mengingatinya everytime... atu standardnya...

I have no other thoughts publishing this post, cam aku pun nada jua membuat, selalu banar lupa, its just I want to share it, sal ia cantik, kan? kan? mudahan ia berguna buat anda,


Friday, January 22, 2010


I never imagined myself smoking before~
but shit it tastes so good~
well... not actually...
It does not taste good when you're smoking it,
but it tastes so good when you imagine smoking it,
macam naik roller coaster bah,
I can say its like that,
So excited bila kan naik!!!
but then when you're on top sudah...
you don't feel excited lagi...

But of course I will not smoke,
not because you guys will look down on me,
I don't care bout that,
but because I don't wana look down on me...

manasaja ertinya,

and because mufti na suruh.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I need new hobbies... I wana go out.. do something interesting... but apa jua kan di buat disini ani...
so lazy to go out too...

need to find new outgoing friends...
is bad for your health...



Saturday, June 27, 2009


lupa apakan dicakap...
lambat tadi loading nya,

ah.. nanti update k?
awu I noe.. I noe I promised,
Ada ni nanti k?

Pinky promise,