Sunday, October 7, 2007


Yesterday sucks!! (cept for Man utd wins 4-0 which I will talk bout it later,) ntah ah... went to school early… not feeling so good… cam there’s sumtin wrong… takut sal sumtin… or maybe urang… nghh!... malaskan care…

Pi since now m united sma si shah hibri n c hanif, sal tukar course dah,(yay!) ada jua penglipur lara atu kan, or is it penghibur lara, neway bleh tia buat sumtin fun and stupid cam di skulah dulu… dou most of the gang nada..:( but… better than nutin kan?

So started it by walking backwards… classic... pi cam membari malu jua when people liat… maybe Ive grown up dah.. so I stopped… nyanyi2 ja sama si shah hibri… but.. cam na meriah.. sal nada de gang… so we stopped… man!...

Tidur di Chancellor Hall...

Then.. we were blown away by the news that our good friend meninggal… we were like… so shocked dat kami na bebunyi time cmptr… (or maybe sal takut bout the presentation,) si hanif and si hibri took it quite well… but I just couldn’t…
So after class we went to his grave… sedekahkn yasin… bersihkan kuburnya apa…

Membaca doa...

I just couldn’t believe it… ia mati dah… sniff…

Goodbye my man SV…

We will always remember you… (maybe lah...)

1 comment:

Him said...


LoL. macam banar lagi tu gambar last atu