Friday, March 7, 2008


Haha, the pic looks funny... well its my new team nya jersey!!! yeahuh! cam suka ku.. dou its kuning, and we look like a bunch of bananas playing football, but i like! is lawa.

So they asked, napa 65 bui? bah mun numbur feveretku kamu ambil cana jua?... smua bah beambil... but its okay... next time i go senior, bru tah ku claim the numero 10. So 65 doesn't mean a thing actually... but wen u put 1 infront = 165, then it got some meaning... :)

So it was great ri atu, playing football rah padang.. it's been a while dah... cam since pindah from rimba, did't get to play outdoor a lot... so siuk lah!! walaupun i played fo 30 mins ja... but couple of 'Lawa Dib!' meks me hepi... hehe, next time wen im fit, lawa ni mainku!!


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