Thursday, October 4, 2007

Teresa oh Teresa

Lalala… Tadi my sis showed me this famous clip dari you tube ah, famous sal banyak urg crita dah, the one bout si Teresa ah.. Teresa Hidalgo or Fidalgo… yg bout di Spain kali, or Mexico where urg ani bagi si Teresa ani a ride ntah dari out of nowhere, iatah skalinya, jalan punya jalan then she told them guys in the car tampat ia mati, den eksiden tia…

Huhu, cam cali plang the vid atu.. lame ckit, ketara na brapa pandai act, pi berijap lah ckit when kana bagi tau sal ia mati apa atu.. nehu! Si Mukee ada crita jua dat day sal ani, lama plang ia cerita … pi nda ku brapa mendangar, men game, so when I asked him to cerita gi, berubah mukanya, haha, nalih ia kan cerita gi, so then si Muiz crita…the weirdest thing is that, whatever I imagined time ia cerita atu almost 100% wah samanya when ku liat clip atu.. magical man… or maybe si Muiz ani is just a great storyteller.., then then Mukee cakap si Teresa atu lawa banar, my sis jua cakap cmatu.. but then bila ku liat… cam oke aja pun, nda lived up to my expectation…

Jalan yang manasaja, the main story for today is… Liverpool kalah! Man.. siuk man.. huhu, baru ia tau si Torres, adakah join Liverpool rather than kami, his loss,

And msa kemarinnya we won the match against Roma, Rooney scored! Lama dah ia na score, Huhu, his back at his top fitness usulnya dah, he’s just an amazing player, Rooney… Carrick played very well.. Scholes, Evra great… all in all great match, I like,

And… the Van man scored twice for Madrid.. Happy for him,

Apalagi tu.. atu ja kali lah,kan kamih, bye bye, tut,

1 comment:

Mrs Ballack said...

Haha~ Nipu tuu video ah. Padahal it was just a short clip from...*insert country* Lupa ku. Lawa jua la cTeresa ah. But not like v. v. v. pretty. Haha. Aku tekajut time aher atu, yang ya gto ya mati di tempat ah.