Saturday, December 22, 2007

You are.. The treasure~

My heart.. Exploded with a transition of a sanity requiem under the light in the dark..

Anchorage of this varsity and majestic euphoria will only be in total forever as long as you are in this equation of modestry and Vegeteranianity..

Rampage me all enternity with the purest of your classic touch and your eloquence in the single rainbow during this apocalyptic of the human downfall..

Hence i will gain the superiority of strength that encover the peace upon us in the skyline behind this volcanic damned catostrophe..

And we will forever embrace each other with the wings of tomorrow and the red flag will again means the same where the crutch of pain will be cast away..

-lawa yo poem ku ani.. Kan nangis ku ulihnya..
Well done dib,

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