Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I only need two weeks...

So woke up today and Im fully recharged, It's been a while now na merasa cani, slalu ngalih apa, so I tot Id do sumting, ntah, go build a house, grow plants or sumtin...

Skalinya kana suruh mengantar mengambil...
I hate driving... It's... ntah.. lama... Jauh...
I hate mengisi minyak...

So after that nda tia ada kan dibuat,
I tried main game... pi boreng...
Im to old now for PS2,
Need XBOX360~~

Tried watching DVDs, Breng~~
Sleep... Can't~~~

I'm so free!
Yet I feel so traped...

So I just spent most of my time dgar lagu...
And that's not a very good thing...
And on times like this, datang tia ia atu...

A very long holiday makes him rust...
A very long holiday makes him think...
A very long holiday makes him think about everything...
A very long holiday makes him think about everything and everyone...
A very long holiday makes him think about failure...
A very long holiday makes him depress...

I hate him so much!
Make him go away~~~

I need to do something...
I need a project,

Yeah~ yes yes...


Piz tah do sumting...
menyeludup ke miri?
jalan kaki?

I'll be fine...

"It's like a cigarette in the mouth
Or a handshake in the doorway
I look at you and smile because I'm fine~~~"

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