Saturday, June 28, 2008


So the toilet in my house nda dpt bepakai from like 10am till ptg, haha, Iatah kemarin when I tot siap udap beusai, I went to do some delayed bizniz, kalinya when I flushed, ramai urg beteriak dibawah, urg2 yang keraja atu... haha kesian ku bila mikirkan, dou nda ku mau tau what happened rah durg,

not my fault, my sis ckp is good and ready to be used, the toilet.

So today I woke up late, and I needed to pee! pi nda dapat, and was so sleepy, and Its always like this bila aku sleepy and kan pee, I got this very strange dream,

Cam Im in this world, bepusing2, paning lah... then Im looking for a toilet, slalunya aku tejumpa public toilet... and always when Im using it, pintunya nda betutup, so after I went crazy peeing... that feeling kan bekamih atu nda pandai ilang, no matter how many tyms aku kejamban, that satisfying feeling atu nada... so bila balik2 bekamih, and makin kan bekamih rasanya, bangun tah ku... so mandi tah ku tarus since nda dpt dipakai toilet atu... :P

Is it tru crita The Happening atu really bad?
I wana watch it plg...

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